En to-i-ener

I kender godt Mew ikke? Jeg købte The Glasshanded Kites kort efter, jeg havde hørt The Zookeepers Boy. Siden har jeg haft en ting for deres musik. Jeg behøver ikke høre albummet forud, jeg kan lide det, kan jeg.

På albummet MEW: NO MORE STORIES ARE TOLD TODAY I'M SORRY THEY WASHED AWAY NO MORE STORIES THE WORLD IS GREY I'M TIRED LET'S WASH AWAY kan man finde sangen New Terrain (lyrics). Den er dejlig, og hvis du spiller den baglæns, hopper en ny sang frem, Nervous (lyrics). Jeg googlede lidt rundt og kom frem til denne fede kommentar:

"I see New Terrain from the perspective of a child who is amazed with the wonderful world around him and is determined to explore as much as he can with his friends.

Then, Nervous, seems to be from the perspective of the same child but now as an adult, and now with his own child. He gets nervous, because he loves him so much, he wants nothing to happen to him. He forgets that his child is a dreamer and explorer, just as he was.

It's beautiful :')"

Det er féee

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